It's Time to Step into Your Promised Land!

New Alignments & New Assignments
God is calling our thinking into a higher alignment with His Spirit in this hour. He is exposing patterns and ways of thinking that do not line up with His Kingdom. Negative emotions, stress, and anxiety are indicators that we need an upgrade and mindset adjustment. Many will receive identity upgrades for their new assignments. The Father is speaking and releasing true identity to His sons and daughters so that hearts are prepared to embrace the new.
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ABBA'S SONG is a 49 Day Journey with the Father into Healing, Identity, and Destiny
Hear the prophetic voice of the Father to you
My Latest Book!

The season is changing, dear one. I am releasing keys that will open doors before you. There is no stress or striving in what I have planned for you. My wind will move you forward into the new. My wind is at your back even now, moving, positioning, and propelling you into My more. Catch the wind, brave one. Catch the wind!
-excerpt from "Abba's Song"

©2016 Sylvia Neusch.
All rights reserved.
Sylvia is a prophetic voice and prophetic blogger who operates with an anointing to understand the times and seasons. She has a passion to encourage and equip people to discover their true identity and mature in Christ to walk in their God-given destiny. Sylvia and her husband, Richard, are the Apostolic Founding Pastors of True Life in Round Rock, Texas. Sylvia and Richard have two children and five grandchildren.