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Defeat is Not Your Destiny- pt. 1

Defeat is not your destiny

This morning I took a good hard look at the giants in my life. Not exactly a fun experience. But, I learned a few things as I pondered my response to these formidable foes.

Our giants reveal a lot about where God wants to take us in the Spirit. It may be hard to understand, but God uses and even allows the giants in our life to grow us up into Him. I always use to wonder why God allowed the giants to be in the Promised Land. The Israelites had come such a long way and overcome so many obstacles to make it there, only to find their enemies inhabiting the land that was rightfully theirs. But, God in His wisdom knew that the process, growth, and change that happens in those who learn to overcome is much more valuable than a piece of real-estate. He is after the glory-to-glory process that we eventually come to know as true riches.

We may find ourselves in a similar situation as the Israelites. We finally make it to the land of our dreams, what we have prayed and fought for, only to find an inconvenient giant squatting on our land. It is in these moments that we are faced with multiple decisions. Am I supposed to fight? How am I to fight? What are the weapons I can use?

The truth is, we have a choice not to fight. But, a choice not to fight sends us on a return trip to Egypt and a journey back into slavery. If we choose to return to Egypt, we have given dominion to an uninvited giant.

As I thoughtfully looked at the giants I am facing, I asked God for His battle strategy for this season. Though every giant may require a different battle strategy, I want to share a few of the things I heard Him say to me:

1. Your gaze is everything. Don't look to your own strength, ingenuity, or even spirituality to overcome your giants. Lift up your eyes to see where your Help comes from. I am the Maker of Heaven and Earth and I can certainly equip and empower you to overcome.

2. You are created to be an Overcomer. Even if you have already fought the same enemy many times and lost, defeat is not your destiny. Look to me for new strategies. I do not set you up for failure, but intended victory. Sometimes my strategy for you is complete rest, and I will fight for you. Other times, you have a part to play, as you battle from a position of rest.

3. Repent of unbelief. Remember that those who died in the desert did not enter their promised land because of their unbelief. Unbelief often manifested in grumbling, murmuring, and complaining. Refuse to partner with unbelief and speak words of life and faith.

4. Pick up your stones. Just like I gave David a sling and five smooth stones, I will give you exactly what you need to overcome your giants. Five smooth, primitive stones propelled by the wind of the Spirit are always more powerful than the best man-made devices or strategies.


I've never been one to look for a battle, or even enjoy watching one, but I know that we are in a battle whether we like it or not. The good news is that He created us to be overcomers, and He has trained and equipped us for the battles we face. Years ago I would have laughed if you had told me that God intended for me to be a woman of great faith. I didn't resemble that at all. But, the giants in my land have been a huge indicator to me that I am destined, and on my way to become a woman of faith. Though the giants’ mocking voices taunt with lies from the pit, a much louder voice resonates deep within, "Child of destiny arise! You were made for such a time as this. Lock eyes with me, and together we will bring down your enemies."

What giants are you facing? You are destined to be an Overcomer!


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