A Word for the Hidden Ones
My child, it is I who hides you. I have chosen this place of obscurity for your growth and protection. As Moses was placed in a simple basket of hiddenness, I was present, hovering over his life to nurture this one who would one day lead My children out of slavery and into freedom.
And, just as I did with Moses, I nurture and protect you. You were an embryo of destiny, and look what My hands have formed in you! The seeds I planted in you have endured the storms, and bravely persisted through the harsh elements. Like the kernel of wheat that must experience death to produce life, You are now a flourishing vine and your leaves will bring nourishment and healing to others.
Be encouraged my child, because your time of unveiling is near. You have allowed my process to shape, mold, and change you. You have resisted the urge to jump ship when the waves were tumultuous. You trusted Me, and your courageous trust has brought joy to My heart.
The season is changing, dear one. I am releasing keys that will open doors before you. There is no stress or striving in what I have planned for you. My wind will move you forward into the new. My wind is at your back even now, moving, positioning, and propelling you into My more. Catch the wind, brave one. Catch the wind!
You will learn to ride the swells of my Spirit wind into new adventures with Me. Let go of fear, insecurity, and hesitation as these things have no place in what I have planned for you. Embrace the reality that I am doing a new thing. Embrace the change, for transition is in the air.
You have learned to trust Me in your hiddenness, now will you trust Me with your revealing? My glory is rising upon you. No longer will you be a hidden one, but My light on a hill.
Awaken hidden one! Shake off your grave clothes and step through your door into the new!
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19