A Time to Birth, Battle, and Build

I felt I heard the Lord saying, "You are in a time to birth, battle, and build, but it is not a time to be unaware. For though much opposition has come against My people, you are equipped to battle.
The threats that have come against you are smoke and mirrors and you will refute every lie that has exalted itself against My knowledge. Keep up your shields, warriors, and refuse to allow the lies to penetrate your hearts and minds. Your enemy's intent is to defer hope from your life, bringing despair and distraction, but know that I have surrounded you with SONGS OF DELIVERANCE. Your weapons are not of this world and My battle plans will confound the enemy.
Refuse to allow your gaze to move from the tasks at hand. Do not listen to the taunting voices that would seek to divert your time and attention. It is a time to FEAR NOT. I have made provision for every obstacle that you will encounter.
Do not let the enemy's idle threats hinder the work for it is a time to build. As in the time of Nehemiah, build with one hand and hold your weapon in the other. My word must dwell in you richly. Honor My word and the wisdom that is now yours in Christ. Listen for the sound of My voice and honor those who herald the trumpet sound. When you hear My sound, run towards it for there you will find breakthrough grace and My war room strategies.
I am restoring your fortunes and bringing you out of captivity. No longer will your dreams be cast aside or forgotten. I am loosening the ties that have bound you and you will find your restrictions falling away in the light of My favor. You have cried many tears in your years of sowing, but you will soon return with songs of joy and the fruits of abundant harvest.
I have planted My seeds of vision within you, nurturing and tending them so that when the time of birthing has fully come, you would be ready. NOW is the time of building, birthing, and fruit bearing. Now is the time of exploding and exponential harvest.
Do not doubt what I have sown in you in the secret place. Do not doubt the dreams and visions that have awakened you at night. You are not bringing to the table just any dream, but dreams birthed out of the seeds that I, your Father, have intentionally sown for this time and season.
It is time to ADVANCE. Move forward and advance with me and I will reveal my battle plans as you carry the vision. Just as Gideon placed the trumpets and empty jars with torches in the hands of his warriors when they went out against the Midianites, so will I place My unique and secret war strategies in your hands for this building season. I will bring confusion in the enemy's camp as you move forward carrying My God-seeds within you.
Yes, I will cause your enemies to flee as your faith-filled battle cry becomes 'Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord Almighty.' (Zech. 4:6b) By My Spirit you will see the birthing of the God-seeds you have carried. By My Spirit you will build according to the blueprints of Heaven's dream design room. By My Spirit you will defeat the enemies that rise up against you.
It is a time to birth, battle, and build. Advance forward courageously and watch for My delivering hand and favor to build and birth in this time of exponential increase for My Kingdom."
"When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, "The LORD has done great things for them." The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Restore our fortunes, LORD, like streams in the Negev. Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them." - Psalm 126:1-6