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Can You Hear Him Knocking?

Can you hear Him knocking? Jesus is standing at the door of many hearts in this hour, and He is patiently, but intently, knocking. His knocking is a compelling invitation. He knocks and waits for our response.

Jesus is inviting us to go with Him into the new. It is a time of leaving the past behind to lay hold of the new. When Elisha received his call to follow Elijah, he was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen. Elisha kissed his mother and father goodbye, slaughtered his yoke of oxen, then burned the plowing equipment to cook the meat and give to people. He made a clean break with the things that might hold him in the familiar in order to fully step into the new with a whole heart.

Some believe that Elisha's burning the plowing equipment represented an altar. God is calling us to the altar in this season. The altar is a place of sacrifice. The altar is a place where we give up and release those things that would keep us from fully embracing His call on our lives. The altar is a place where everything that is not of Him is burned up and consumed. He is a consuming fire.

Jesus is knocking that we might welcome Him in. He wants to come and make Himself at home in our hearts. He is cleaning house, rearranging things and bringing upgrades.

"My beloved reached into me to unlock my heart. The core of my very being trembled at his touch. How my soul melted when he spoke to Me!" Song of Songs 5:4 TPT

Yes, Jesus is longing to unlock hearts in this hour. He holds the keys to every heart and His touch leaves us forever changed, longing for more intimate encounters with Him.

Things may feel unsettled for many. Issues are coming to the surface requiring a response. Will we cave into the comfortable and familiar, or will we allow Him to have His full way? It is easier to stay broken than to do the hard work of healing unto restoration and wholeness. But, the latter will yield fruit and benefits for generations to come. Jesus paid the price for everyone's wholeness and He longs for all to step into their inheritance with Him.

Transitions are underway, both big and small. It is a time to keep our hearts in check, not passing judgment on the movement of others. We must keep our gaze forward and our eyes on Him. It is not the time to judge the path of another, but trust that our Father is big enough to guide their steps as well.

"Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all you ways." Prov. 4:25-26

Can you hear Him knocking? Even His knock speaks of love. It is not a time for hesitation. It is not a time for excuses. There is an urgency in His knocking. The time is a kairos time. It is an appointed time. There is an encounter with Him waiting for us. There is oil for our lamps. It is a time to gather oil. It is a time to trim our wicks.

"Listen! My beloved is knocking: "Open to me, my sister, my darling, my dove, my flawless one. My head is drenched with dew, my hair with the dampness of the night." I have taken off my robe--must I put it on again? I have washed my feet--must I soil them again?" - Song of Songs 5:2-3

Those who open the door to Him in this hour will dine with Him. He has a banquet table awaiting those who will enter in with Him. It is a time to buy from Him gold refined in the fire. There are white clothes to cover our shame and salve to open our eyes to see. (from Rev. 3:18)

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." Rev. 3:20

This is what I hear the Spirit of God saying:

"Can you hear Me knocking? I am knocking and waiting for you to answer. I am not looking for a tentative answer but a whole-hearted response. Will you go with Me wherever I might lead you? It will not always be easy, and the way not always clear, but I am with you.

As you open the door and step through, know that it is a moment of surrender. It is a death to self and it is a life-filled path that will also lead you to join in the fellowship of My sufferings. But, it is also the only path to hope, joy, and great fulfillment. Yes, I have new realms to reveal to you and treasures mined from the dark places that have sought to take your life. But, LIFE I give to you, My child. Ever unfolding, ever joyful, abundant and eternal life is yours.

I am issuing an awakening alarm. It is time to rise from your slumber, being watchful and mindful. It is time to be ready, dressed in your battle armor, awaiting your marching orders. You have been trained and equipped, and it is time for forward movement. But first, renew your heart before Me. Receive again My cleansing, healing, and refreshing waters to wash away the dirt and grime from the former seasons.

My grace covers you, My child. My grace releases to you everything you will need. As I said to the twelve, "Follow Me."

Will you open the door and come with Me?



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