God is Replacing Exhaustion with His Divine Propulsion

Recently, during a time of corporate worship, I sensed that many around me were feeling weary and exhausted. The storms of life, coupled with stress and heavy burdens, were causing many to feel spent and overcome. As I sought the Lord on what He would want to say or do, I felt I heard Him say, "I'm replacing exhaustion with My divine propulsion".
The Cambridge dictionary defines propulsion as "a force that pushes something forward".
In this coming season, I believe we are going to experience God's divine propulsion available to us in greater measure than many of us have experienced before. For those who choose to believe and tap into His supernatural supply, you will experience a grace that pushes you forward with less effort.
Here is what I feel I hear Him saying in his hour: "Come to me My weary ones. Come to Me and wait upon My strength. Yes, instead of weakness you will know My strength. It is a supernatural exchange I have made available for you.
I long to comfort you, My afflicted ones. You who have been battered by life's storms, I have healing and renewed strength to offer you. I have a higher place for you to soar, up above the chaos and turbulence that surrounds you now. I am giving you a grace and anointing to fly with eagle's wings. As you soar above those things that have caused you anxiety and trauma, you will now see from My perspective. But, in order to soar, you must now RELEASE. RELEASE those things that you don't understand and the weights that have held you back. Release to Me your fear of the future and trust My hand upon your life.
Now RECEIVE the grace I am giving you to soar. My divine propulsion will push you forward when you feel you can no longer move on your own. My Spirit wind will move you forward as you wait upon My carrying grace. Receive with the heart of a child, My weary ones.
As you release and receive, even now the wind of My Spirit is causing you to rise above. Your eagle's wings will give you the ability to rise above the storms and complexities of life. I'm restoring your youth and healing your wounded heart as you look into My eyes. It is in My gaze that you will find peace and hope for the days ahead.
I will REBUILD you, and you will be STRONGER than before. Your breaking will become a place of strength as you give to Me your weakness and brokenness. I will bring beauty out of the ashes, and deep riches out of the storms, as you place your trust in Me. As you come to Me, I will replace your exhaustion with My divine propulsion.
"Afflicted city, lashed by storms and not comforted, I will rebuild you with stones of turquoise, your foundations with lapis lazuli. I will make your battlements of rubies, your gates of sparkling jewels, and all your walls of precious stones." Isaiah 54:11-12