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No Longer Will You Be Overtaken, for God is Making You an Overcomer

I heard the Lord say, "I'm taking my people from overtaken to overcoming." Then, I saw a picture of the children of Israel as they had followed Moses out of Egypt and were camped by the sea at a place called Pi Hahiroth. Pharoah had finally relented and agreed to let them leave Egypt. The Israelites were on their way to freedom. It was while they were in this vulnerable place, camped by the sea, that Pharoah and his officials changed their minds, deciding to come after the Israelites to once again take them into captivity.

I believe this is a clear picture of where many find themselves right now. You have felt the pull and call of God's Spirit within you, and you have answered the call and begin the move forward into the unknown of what He has next for you. You have left Egypt once and for all. But, the enemy is waiting, lurking, and threatening to once again overtake you, just as He did with the children of Israel. You are in that place of navigating the threats of being overtaken, and at the same time seeking to trust the Father's heart and voice to lead and guide you into a place of victorious destiny and overcoming.

It is in this place that some may feel the pull of Egypt as it falsely represents "security and safety". The lure of routine and normalcy may look attractive as you venture out facing the unknown and what appears to be impossible obstacles before you. This was the moment when the Israelites actually begin longing for the shackles of slavery.

But, God's answer to you is the same as the one He spoke through Moses to the children of Israel, "Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the LORD which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent." Exodus 14:13-14 ESV


Is it possible to stand firm and continue to move forward at the same time? I believe the answer is "YES!" The first part of your assignment as an overcomer is to STAND FIRM. The inward stance of your spirit man is to stand firm in who God is and what He has spoken to you. This is a place of standing your ground, refusing to budge from what God has spoken to you and who you know him to be. Your hope is in His deliverance and ability to see you through to the destiny marked out for you.

The second part of your assignment as an overcomer is found at the end of verse 14 - BE SILENT. Your mouth should not utter a word contrary to what God has spoken to you. Let the words of your mouth come into total alignment with what He has called you to be and do.

We know the familiar story of Joshua as he led the Israelites to march around Jericho. Joshua issued this command in Joshua 6:10, "...Do not give a war cry, do not raise your voices, do not say a word until the day I tell you to shout. Then shout!" God clearly did not want anything spoken that would hinder the supernatural power being orchestrated and released as the army of people marched in obedience around the city seven times.

We have been learning the power of our spoken words and declarations. After their time of silence, it is powerful to note that God then used this army's shout to bring down the walls. What a sobering picture of the importance of bringing our tongue and mouth into submission to the Spirit of God!

As we bring our mouths under subjection to Him, this is a moment to let God be God. This is a moment when He is going to fight for you. You are only to STAND FIRM, BE SILENT, and watch what He will do.

The third part of your assignment as an overcomer is to MOVE ON as found in Exodus 14: 15, "The the LORD said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground."

Though the children of Israel were called to stand firm, inwardly resting in who God is, they were outwardly called to move forward in faith. They had not yet seen the waters divide when God gave the command to MOVE ON. If they had refused to move, I believe the waters would never have divided. God responds to our faith and obedience just as he did to the faith and obedience of the Israelites.

What is the assignment God has given to you in this hour? What obstacles stand before you? Is He is calling you to STAND FIRM in Him and His faithfulness to you? He is your Anchor, fixed and immovable. He is steadfast and never failing. He is your firm foundation on which to stand.

Is He calling you to BE SILENT, refusing to voice words that contradict His voice to you? He is ready to show Himself strong on your behalf. Lean into His goodness and mighty strength. Listen for His particular assignments for you and your words in this season. His glory will be revealed as you put your trust in Him.

Lastly, has He given you the command to MOVE ON? If so, then lock eyes with Him and take the first steps forward, trusting the waters to part as you advance. He will be with you in the midst of the crossing, giving you dry ground on which to stand. The waters may rage on your right and left, but you will not be touched.

The seas that threatened the Israelites ended up being the very thing that God used to take out their enemies. Likewise, God will use those things that have come against you for your advancement, thwarting satan's plans, reminding him that he is a defeated foe.

If you have felt like you are about to be overtaken in this hour, then you have the opportunity to allow the Spirit of God to call forth the OVERCOMER in you. Our enemy, satan, is a liar and there is no truth in him. His threats, His intimidating attempts to hinder your advancement are all lies. As you place your trust in God, He will take you from your place of being overtaken, to a place of OVERCOMING.

But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere.- 2 Corinthians 2:14

God has a triumphal procession for you, His OVERCOMER, as you spread the fragrance of your testimony with others. God will receive glory through what He does in your life and the lives of others who choose to trust in Him as their MIGHTY DELIVERER. You will not be overtaken, for God is making you an OVERCOMER!




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