Orphans and Prodigals are Coming Home!

We are in a time where the orphans and prodigals are going to TURN towards the Father. Where some have given up on them, He has not. He has been watching, waiting, and pursuing them because His love NEVER gives up. Body of Christ, families and friends, BE READY because they are coming home. They are coming back into the fold and coming back into your hearts. We must welcome and greet them with forgiveness, love and acceptance.
Some have known the gift of salvation yet continued to walk in life with the heart of an orphan or that of a prodigal son or daughter. They have not yet known or experienced the healing and revelation of His love that would break these chains from their heart. The story of the “Lost Son or Prodigal Son” in Luke 15: 11-32 is a great example of two sons who walked in life with orphan hearts. They had a good earthly father, but they were blinded to see what was truly theirs all along.
Below you will find mentioned some of the characteristics of those who walk with an orphan heart and mentality. It is a condition of the heart, or a mentality because when the individual is a born again believer, their spirit has been renewed and the Holy Spirit lives within them. However, the person may still live out of their soul as if they are an orphan, and believe in their mind that they are. This is not an exhaustive list, but it will hopefully be helpful for those who are struggling to find breakthrough. For others it can serve as a way to pray for the prodigals in your life.
Characteristics of an Orphan Heart & Mentality:
· Emotionally cut off from true fathers, often rejecting fathers or other authorities in their life.
· Believe they are a self-made man or woman, looking to earn affirmation from their accomplishments or what they do.
· Walk in continual comparison with others resulting in jealousy, envy, bitterness, and anger.
· Believe they have no inheritance and they must fight for what they get.
· Often use control and manipulation to achieve things or promotion.
· Deep feelings of fearfulness & insecurity, as well as lack of peace.
· Unable to celebrate the successes and achievements of others.
· Unable to trust God and others because of core lies they have believed.
A Word to the Orphans and Prodigals
The Father is running towards those with an orphan heart or spirit to bring healing and a revelatory grace for breakthrough. The Father is running toward you, His sons and daughters, with the family ring, robe, and sandals. He won’t be deterred or hindered. He has been watching for you and waiting for you to TURN TOWARDS Him.
Can you see Him? He is running towards you, filled with love and compassion. How He has waited for this time! He has longed for you to KNOW who you are and whose you are. It doesn’t matter what you have done or what you have believed. But you must TURN! TURN and look into His eyes. Do you see that His eyes blaze like fire? It is a fire of His zeal and love for you. It is a fire of His anger towards the evil one who has robbed and stolen the lives of His royal ones. The Father has stopped at nothing to make a way for you to once again be part of His family. He gave the ultimate sacrifice, His beloved One and Only Son, so that you could be FREE.
You are FREE to run into the Father’s arms. You are FREE to experience His love and warm embrace. You are FREE to experience total forgiveness and healing of your body, soul, and spirit. That which you can step into freely, cost the Father everything. But you must STEP IN.
Can you feel His BEST ROBE lovingly placed on your shoulders? It is a robe of belonging, intimacy, and protection. You have been CHOSEN and marked to receive inheritance.
Do you see the RING He has placed on your finger? It is His ring of lineage and lavish value for you. As you wear His ring you will be continually reminded that you are your Beloved’s and He is yours.
As the SANDALS are placed on your feet you are reminded that you are now protected and cared for by your Father. As you receive the sandals, it is a time to STEP OUT of old patterns of self-preservation and control, and a time to STEP INTO a glorious surrender and trust of the One who loves you like no other.
It is time now to fully follow this One with His blazing eyes of fiery love. He’s taking you to a CELEBRATORY FEAST to announce to the world His JOY over you. You once were lost, but now you are FOUND! Now REST and RECEIVE His unconditional love.
"...But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him." Luke 15:20